August 2-7, 2024
By William Shakespeare
Directed by John Kissingford
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women, merely players.
Everything is over the top in this comedy. Shakespeare knows we laugh at gender bending, so in As You Like It, a male actor plays a girl named Rosalind. To stay safe in the forest, Rosalind disguises herself as a boy named Ganymede. But then, her hot crush Orlando shows up, so, to "cure him of his lovesickness," Ganymede pretends to be his lady Rosalind. It's dizzying: a boy plays a girl who's dressed as a boy imitating a girl.
And Shakespeare knows we like it when two people get married at the end of a romantic comedy. Well then... how about 8 people, in four motley couples? Ridiculous!
It's an insane plot with wacky characters and lots of music and hilarious twists and turns.
SHAKESPEARE... as he intended it.